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This is where US vacationers are most willing to travel in 2020

Online travel is starting to boom in US, where the novel coronavirus is spreading at an alarming pace, with some tour products allowing participants to view countryside scenery and interact…

6 must-have gadgets for entrepreneurs to upgrade their lifestyle

As an entrepreneur, you might have to make a lot of phone calls and holding your phone next to your ear could be annoying. A water-resistant with 50 meter.

The new taboo: how ‘The flattering’ became fashion’s ultimate OG

A woman on her “flattering” dress is passive-aggressive body-policing, sneaked into our consciousness in a Trojan horse of sisterly helpfulness.

Will The Covid-19 Fix Fashion’s Plus-Size Problem — Or Make It Worse?

While the financial fallout that’s resulted from the pandemic has been damaging, it has also forced a lot of individuals and companies to pause, take a look in the mirror,…